Sisu Tech viis läbi põhjaliku turuanalüüsi ning pärast hoolikat kaalutlemist, suhtlemist erinevate tarkvarapakkujatega ja lahenduste testimist otsustati jätkata Oracle NetSuite ERP-süsteemiga. NetSuite Cloud on tuntud rahvusvahelisel turul ning seda kasutavad ettevõtted erinevates suurustes ja asukohtades. Kuna emaettevõte asub Eestis, valiti juurutuspartneriks RockSoft OÜ, kelle meeskonnal on üle 20 aasta kogemust ERP-süsteemide käivitamisel mitmesuguste B2B ja B2C ettevõtetega Eestis, Norras, Lätis, Leedus, teistes Euroopa riikides ning USA-s. Kuigi projekt on veel käimas, on Rocksoft'i konsultandid juba algusest peale jätnud väga professionaalse mulje. Nad on valmis kohanduma Sisu Tech'i soovidega, sealhulgas ühemikuga ühe kuu jooksul ning pakuvad struktureeritud lähenemist iganädalaste kohtumiste ja pideva kommunikatsiooni kaudu.
During the period from 2010 to 2015, VKG constructed new Petroter plants. Production was the priority, and IT support was secondary. Since the year 2000, BaaN IV was in use for financial management. The implementation of it had so many issues at the time that later, there was neither the desire nor the ability to carry out further developments or version upgrades.
At some point, the limited functionality began to be a hindrance. In Estonia, there were a lack of users and expertise, integration was not possible, and even exporting information to Excel was problematic. When the technical risk became apparent, it was clear that continuing in the same manner was not an option, and the decision was made to implement a new ERP.
We had enough experience from our previous situation to understand that the goal couldn't be just a new technical solution. We needed a platform that would provide the opportunity to redesign our work processes in the most efficient way possible.
First, we established the team, assessing our own competencies. We relieved one financial manager of their daily duties, appointed lead users, and key users. Then came the first setback, which later proved to be very beneficial. Our internally chosen project manager turned out to be a methodical person who ordered the book "Control Your ERP Destiny," read it, and announced two things. Firstly, in order for the project to succeed, the project manager should be an external hire. This eventually led us to collaborate with RockSoft.
Another important thing was to free up people's time to focus on the project.
We are satisfied with the result, and the result can be assessed in various ways. For example, we evaluated the time spent on certain functions before and after. As a manager, one sign of success for me is that people no longer talk about the ERP system – which means it's working.
Professional project management from RockSoft allowed us to focus on the right issues, raised the level of demand for our own work, and helped keep track of the implementation process. From a technical standpoint, we wouldn't have been able to organize such detailed work ourselves. Additionally, RockSoft undoubtedly possesses knowledge that we do not, which helps avoid mistakes when purchasing services from implementers.
The decision to hire a project manager from outside, which is quite common for us, may be unfamiliar to many others. However, when you consider the need to free up a project manager from other duties, it makes just as much sense to hire someone externally.
More important topics, which we have worked with:
In the above Telia projects we have used the following Oracle e-Business Suite (eBS) modules:
Tallink eBusiness Suite'i juurutus hõlmas kokku 44 ettevõtet 6 riigis.
The project covered all core financials. Secondly the project covered Purchasing, Inventory and Order Management processes with excise calculation. The project introduced a common chart of accounts across group companies with a total of 15 accounting dimensions. We also incorporated the reporting currency feature to report on ongoing basis, for example SEK balances in EUR.
Oracle Tax Manager
Another key element was to implement tax (VAT) of different countries, including when one company (legal entity) acts as VAT liable party in different countries’ jurisdiction, depending on the nature of transaction.
SEPA implementation
Projekti käigus juurutasime ja konsolideerisime makseprotsesside ISO 20022 XML standardi Oracle eBS Cash Managementis (camt.053.001.02) ja võlgnevustes (pain.001.001.03).
Payments implementation included creation of country specific XML templates that can be used to make both SEPA and non SEPA payments. Different templates are created for Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Germany.
Estonia SEPA template allows to include Unstructured and Structured information into credit transfer file at the same time.
Sweden SEPA template allows to send Giro, PlussGiro, Domestic and International credit transfers to bank in one file.
Customized Cash Management implementation to read into eBS campt.053 format files from banks in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Germany and Latvia. Special solution to generate eBS Bank Transaction Codes based on Agent, Agent Bank Account and Invoice fields.
Oracle e-Business Suite modules
More important topics, which we have worked with:
Oracle e-Business Suite modules
In cooperation with EVRY AS, Rocksoft has participated in many projects in Norway since 2008. During this time Rocksoft has gained excellent knowledge of Norwegian localizations.
OUS is Norway’s largest hospital with national functions in addition to serving all Oslo’s inhabitants.
More important topics, which we have worked with:
Rocksoft has been the partner for upgrades, maintenance, customizations, customer care, implementing new processes, training, documentation. Rocksoft also delivers application management and operations monitoring.
Oracle e-Business Suite modules
In cooperation with EVRY AS, Rocksoft has participated in many projects in Norway since 2008. During this time Rocksoft has gained excellent knowledge of Norwegian localizations.
HSØ is the owner of all hospitals situated in the South and East region of Norway. HSØ goal is to configure and implement a regional ERP solution. A main part of this delivery is an Oracle customized and integrated solution for refilling the local inventories at each hospital. This process has to be efficient and stable since a lot of critical processes rely on this refilling process. The refilling is done either directly from vendors or from internal inventories.
Koostöös EVRY-ga töötas Rocksoft välja lahenduse „Aktiv forsyning“, mis täidab kõik kliendi vajadused.
More important topics, which we have worked with:
In cooperation with EVRY AS, Rocksoft has participated in many projects in Norway since 2008. During this time Rocksoft has gained excellent knowledge of Norwegian localizations.
Statsbygg - Norra valitsusasutus, mis haldab valitsuse kinnisvaraportfelli. Portfellis on büroohooned, muinsuskaitseobjektid, ülikoolilinnakud, tegevusrajatised jms rajatised.
Configuration and customizations done by Rocksoft simplify the complex procurement needs with e.g. the following benefits:
Web ADI solution to upload and update Purchase Agreements with following benefits:
Oracle e-Business Suite modules