It is possible to complement MONITOR G5 with different options. These options are purchased separately.
For price information about the different options, please contact with our Sales Manager.
Has a specific manufacturing order been started? Are any of our suppliers delayed with their deliveries? What was the WIP value as of the last of the previous month? The Agent option in MONITOR provides you with the answers!
This option in the Accounting module provides system support for managing the company’s fixed assets. Fixed assets objects refer to machinery and equipment, buildings, etc. which should be registered as assets in the fixed assets register. It is possible to depreciate the fixed assets objects in the register based on the settings configured for the objects. You can also register objects which should not be depreciated. You can also create and update fixed assets objects from the accounts payable and from the registration of vouchers.
A customized report can best be described as a custom-made list procedure with a customized design in the shape of an SQL-query, with its very own selection terms, settings, and layout. When you have installed the option in MONITOR, you can access the procedure Customized reports in the General registers module. Here you create the customized reports. In this procedure you also select where in the module menu in MONITOR the report should be placed as well as to which users the report should be available.
Our EDI solution means you can electronically transfer business documents as structured messages between MONITOR G5 and your customer's/supplier's ERP system. All communication will take place more or less automatically.
Electronic Invoice Management (EIM) enables you to electronically manage invoices received from suppliers and link them to supplier invoices in MONITOR. EIM also provides support for electronic authorization. This enables signers to receive reminders and messages regarding authorization and final recording.
EIM Invoice Capture is an option for Electronic Invoice Management (EIM) in MONITOR G5.
EIM Invoice Capture provides a seamless link to CrossState, a cloud-based solution for invoice management, scanning, and interpretation of supplier invoices.
E-invoice, in MONITOR G5, enables you to send e-invoices to your customers and receive them from your suppliers. This reduces manual input, as the invoice documents are directly transferred between MONITOR G5 and the ERP systems used by your customers and suppliers.
EIM Workflow is an option for Electronic Invoice Management (EIM) in MONITOR G5. EIM Workflow automates the invoice flow in MONITOR G5, from registration, linking of purchase order, and authorization, to the final recording of invoices.
This is an option to the Time recording module which makes it possible to export salary basis from MONITOR to your payroll program. It is the personnel’s recording items (attendance, absence, and overtime) that are exported.
The integration with Creditsafe option will automatically update your customers in MONITOR G5 with information about their credit rating.
Integration with Creditsafe is a program developed to automatically load information about credit rating from Creditsafe and update this information for the selected customers in MONITOR G5.
Management accounting is an option in MONITOR. It is used as a complement to the standard function called Stock accounting. Management accounting means that all transactions on manufacturing orders (WIP value) are posted and transferred to the general ledger in the Accounting module. The recorded hours are booked in the income statement and provides a financial follow-up for example made per department and cost factor. Calculation differences are posted and these can be followed up per product, per order, etc. This function also contains extended management of cost of goods sold.
Customer order transfer is an option in MONITOR which simplifies the handling of customer orders between sales company and production company, when the sales company receives orders from end customers and the production company does the manufacturing for the sales company. You get an automatic transfer and update of customer orders between these companies.
The Warehouse option is useful if you have stock and manufacturing units located in different cities or if you have different stock types on separate premises. In this option, stock orders are used to move parts between different warehouses.
Do you have full control over interruptions in your production? Is your production optimal? Are your post-calculations reliable? MI helps you to improve your production within the areas mentioned above.
By using the Product configurator option in MONITOR you can manage and combine several variants and models of a product. Based on a certain basic model you can compose different variants and create different models of a product, and then calculate prices and create manufacturing orders.
The Extended file viewer option provides system support for several different file types when you link external files to records in the database. This option supports frequently used drawing formats, image formats, and different MS Office document formats.
Tools & Maintenance is a fully integrated option that helps you to handle the company's tools and machines directly in MONITOR.
The Webshop is an efficient way of marketing your company, products, and services. It will also help you increase your availability and simplify your sales. You can use your webshop to reach corporate customers, private customers, and retailers in one and the same channel. It gets easier doing business!